Thursday, September 10, 2009

Right now I'm in the library because I am pretty sure they are sick of seeing me in the PSC sitting outside the coffee shop. Also because I was seriously just there for over an hour, since I finished my math test in 30 minutes and left afterward. I walked all the way to my Psychology class, and it was canceled again. I guess that's a good thing, technically, but I hate walking all that way for nothing. There WAS bottled Diet Dr. Pepper in the vending machine in that building though, plus the machine took my card without a hitch this time (out of the ordinary), so it wasn't a total loss I suppose.
Some guy just came in with a leather old-style vintage hard briefcase. I really wish I had a briefcase; that would be sweet. I guess it would be impractical, especially considering the fact I have a laptop bag that can be used as a briefcase if I detach the body-strap. But it's not a leather hardshell brown briefcase.
I was thinking about checking out a book, maybe seeing if they had a little Nietzsche or something, but I have a horrible track record with libraries. I am the worst at checking out books; I have a shameful experience regarding the public library in my town involving a fine that was upwards of $60, and a vow to never return. I don't want to repeat my actions, especially considering the fact that I have to come back here, and if I screw up I'll actually have to take responsibility for my actions. That can't happen.
I guess I could manage to bring the books back; I pass the library (with its book drop-off outside) every Tuesday and Thursday, with plenty of time to return it. I read fast, and I am at loss for anything to do this evening (I should be studying, but I miss reading!) so I could have it back in exactly a week, or less.
I guess I'll give it a shot. I just can't deny my adoration of free reading material. I cannot help myself. ):

(I suppose when your self control is only in jeopardy when you want to check out a book from the library and or buy 50% discounted cookware from Kroger, you are not in too bad of shape. I may not have self-control, but damn if I don't have brand new pots and pans for $25 and a book to read. Maybe I'll make myself some pasta and READ tonight. Aw yeah. least I'm not doing crack)

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