Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Essay

Having cats has been an enriching experience for me. It seems as though people either love cats or hate them; there is not much in between. I am definitely on the ‘love’ side of the argument, as many know I have three cats and adore them. The experience of having cats is a unique one, and teaches one a lot about responsibility and love. Cats are lethargic beings, and I feel that having cats has definitely taught me to take a break and enjoy just laying around and doing what they do sometimes: a whole lot of nothing.

My personal experience with cats has been a good one. Sure, they have their downfalls every now and again. I know I’ve had my share of frustrations stemming from my furry friends lying across my laptop and schoolbooks while I’m trying to finish important homework. I’ve had the lovely surprise of waking up to spot cat vomit on the newly vacuumed carpet. I have also been perpetually adorned with cat scratches fairly consistently for the past few years. Still, my cats are a great source of joy in my life and I would not trade their company for anything… even a clean carpet.

Each cat has their own personality, much like humans. I personally have three cats, and they are all vastly different. I love each of them dearly, for all of their different personalities. Each cat has their own reactions to daily life, to one another, and to me. I find that it is the things that make them so different are the things that make them so special. I appreciate their different personalities, and could barely imagine my life without them.

Rummy Cat is our little buddy. He is the first one to run to the door when I come home, and he is the cat most often cuddled up in my bed. He is a shorthair, but his fur is thick and dense and soft. His eyes are bright and green and full of expression; he is definitely the most charismatic of all my cats. When someone comes to visit, he immediately runs to them and tries to impress them with his sweetness and playfulness. He is only a year old, but big for his age and very rotund and stocky.

Bollie is his twin sister, but you wouldn’t know it simply by looking at them. They share the same grey fur and green eyes, but the similarities end there. She is tiny, smaller than any cat I’ve ever had, and just as shy as her brother is friendly. She’s very vocal, but rarely uses the typical ‘meow’, instead making a strange little “brrrrt” noise that sounds a lot like a pigeon. She eats as much as any other cat, but in a much different way. She dips her paw into the top of the auto-feeder, and scoops out a few kibbles to eat on the counter. She is a good eater, but remains lanky and has a certain awkward cuteness that grows on you. Although she is quite shy, she is sweeter even than her brother and she loves attention from those she is comfortable with. Bollie loves being held, and has an affinity for curling up on your chest with her head on your shoulder.

Last is China, who we more often affectionately refer to as “Chi” or “Chi-bear”. She is the only longhair in the house; her fluffy white fur seems to be her defining feature. Her feet are large and although she is not a polydactyl they remind me of snowshoes. Her legs, face, ears, and tail are all grayish and striped, and in her age her fur has taken on a brownish tint. She was adopted from Petsmart, and because of this she seems to have a appreciative personality. I can see the gratitude for being rescued in her big blue eyes when she looks up at me.

I took the time to describe my cats to accurately show exactly how I feel about them. They are very special to me, and they brighten my life in a multitude of ways. They are a source of humor; I can recall many a good laugh over them chasing one another through the house, galloping like furry little horses. They are also a great comfort, coming to my rescue when they see I am sad to curl up with me and make me smile. I couldn’t imagine going without the company of my cats, as they have become such a fixture in my life.

The funny stories about my cats are endless. If I had the time, I would have a twenty-page paper about just how silly they can be. Chi-bear gets embarrassed easily, and I remember once she lost her footing and slipped right into the mop bucket full of soapy water. In her shock and horror, she tore through the house with her head low, soaked and embarrassed. I also remember putting Bollie in a little shirt meant for a tiny dog. She responded by slouching down, awkwardly (and with a strange speed for how low she was) creeping backwards, and making my best friend and I hyperventilate and cry tears of laughter. There are so many more stories, but I believe I have made my point. Cats are, in short, the best comedic relief one could hope for in a home.

Cats are definitely a learning experience. Having cats teaches you forgiveness, and to show love despite anger. A cat is a huge responsibility, as you have to change their litter and feed/water then consistently. They make messes and knock things over quite a lot, so there is a lot of cleaning up after them to be done. A cat depends on you for its quality of life, and as a pet-owner you learn to be determined to make that life the best you can. It is akin to being a parent in many ways, as you have a duty to care for them and a joy from raising them.

I know I personally have learned a lot from having cats. I feel that I have become a better, more responsible, more loving person, and I have my fur-babies to thank for it. I know that not everyone loves cats, but I know I love mine and that I want them to remain as happy as possible for as long as possible. They have shaped me so much, and changed my life in a positive way. I am, in conclusion, thankful for the experience of having cats.


  1. I think you have created a very persuasive essay, almost persuasive enough to make me want to go get a cat, if I wasn't such a dog lover. (: However, I feel that your essay is geared directly towards cat lovers, and no one else. That’s not to say that no one else can enjoy the essay because I definitely did, but it seems that I wasn't able to locate your generalization to be able to relate to the essay. You have provided a great example, but perhaps you should state a more specific generalization (oxymoron (:) so that you would have a broader audience, which would allow more people to relate to your essay.

  2. I don't like cats, but this essay is supported well with examples. The writer stayed on topic , and the oranization was clear. The transition from paragraph to paragraph was good without using (For example).

  3. The first sentence of the first paragraph predicts whether you want to continue reading according to the interest of cats. The first paragraph didnt grasp my attention for the lack of interest although your essay ended gracefully and it shows that you have found your true happiness in life. My impression is that kids require the same attention but with a whole lot more work. you provided clear expressions when describing your cats individually. good job


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