Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the good, the bad, and the sneezy

Things that are awesome:
  • My psychology class was cancelled for the day, which means I got to sit around and draw horrible little comics and doodles and drink tea.
  • Muffins that are almost as big as my whole head. Seriously. I had one today.
  • I thought I lost my septum ring today, but I found it like 30 minutes after. Since I lose my septum ring too much and have to buy new ones all the time, that was pretty neat.
  • My math test today was pushed back to Thursday since my professor wasn't here last Thursday. That is good, since I didn't study at all.
  • My history test curve just got posted, and I initially made a WONDERFUL 67. I cried, thinking I was going to end up failing the class or something, lose my HOPE, blahblah... it ended up that everyone did AWFUL and the curve brought my test score up to a B. TWO LETTER GRADES. I am now worry-free.
  • My new refrigerator/freezer combo is working better than I could have ever hoped, and although it is smaller than its late predecessor, it is old and reminds me of the 70s and I like that. Also, since it is not crammed with freezerburnt meat and the like, it has more usable space. Thirdly, it is perfectly clean and disenfected and the only things in it are things we use constantly. No sifting through old condiments.

Things that could be better:

  • I am sick. There is no way around it. I have stolen two small rolls of toilet tissue from the bathroom today, and used up the first one and a good bit of the second. I feel like every time I sneeze, people look around shiftily and assume I have H1N1. Which brings me to the point: I just got onto someone for being paranoid about this 'swine flu' thing, and I am sick now. First thing that comes to my mind: I need to go to the doctor and see if this is swine flu, oh my god I am going to die I need to see a doctor immediately I think my body is aching now that is a flu symptom oh man this is the end.
  • My mom is the greatest failure of a parent in history, and I have not had a cell phone in about a week due directly to this fact. I also had to buy my own groceries for the first time, also as a result of my mom being Martha freaking Stewart.

I actually don't have that much to complain about, which is pretty sweet. And since I was all bugged out and weird on allergy medicine (I am SO hardcore...) when I left my required blog comments, I am going to go check and make sure I did it right. Word to the wise: Don't take like 4 Benadryl and do pseudo-schoolwork at like midnight. Seriously.

I feel so lame. I'm one of the only people who updates regularly to this thing... I'm a total loser I guess.


EDIT: Since this is an English blog and reading pertains to such, I am going to mention that I just finished reading Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk and it was INCREDIBLE. It is vulgar, gritty, confusing (in the best way possible), surprising, groundbreaking, and just plain INTERESTING. I, and this is saying a whole hell of a lot, think this may be my favorite Chuck Palahniuk book (and I've read all but 3 I believe). Don't read about it online before you read it, though... it is a bunch of surprises and you don't want to ruin it for yourself. But if you are into that kind of stuff (ex. if you liked the movie -or book- Fight Club, you'll dig this!) you should check it out as soon as possible. I MEAN IT.

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