Tuesday, September 22, 2009

of cars and iPhones.

I was going to say I didn't have anything to blog about, but I most certainly do. Since Thursday after class, I've had a lot go on! Bullets are my favorite way to express emotion, so... here we go!
Since Thursday after class I:
  • got a car
  • got an iPhone
I guess that isn't very much, quantity wise, but quality-wise we are talking serious stuff.

Okay, here is a photo of a car that is just like mine, but is not my car specifically. It is a 2002 Chevrolet Cavalier. It only has two doors! The angle makes it look terrible, but really it is a nice little old car. It only has 70,000 or so miles on it, and it has a sunroof that I will never ever use! Also it came with a broken Kid Rock cd, which I thought was a really nice touch. But seriously, my car is boss. I am thrilled. I have already dubbed it the 'Cadavalier', since it is a Cavalier and I thought that was kind of clever. It isn't. I think my favorite thing about this car is the fact that it has keyless entry. I am not yet over the novelty of having a remote for my CAR on my key ring.

In other 'I got new stuff' news, I also FINALLY jumped on the wagon and got an iPhone. I would post a picture of an iPhone, but don't you know everyone already has one and knows what they look like. So, in lieu of posting a real photo of an iPhone, like mine (I did not opt to purchase the crochet model, as seen in the photo) I decided to go with posting instead this lovely internet gem. If you want an iPhone, but don't feel like switching service providers, or paying a lot of money for a phone (oh but it's so much more...), you can MAKE YOUR OWN! You can thank me later. Unfortunately, this model doesn't seem to be compatible with apps and your cat might gnaw on it and tear it apart, but HEY!

Anyway, enough blogging for today. Tune in next time for... well, the same boring crap.

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