Thursday, November 19, 2009

okay FINE.

I NEVER post because I'm a complete failure. I did not realize the rough draft was due today. I have been keeping notes and watching a lot of documentaries, as well as finishing up Helter Skelter. So, I haven't written much of my rough draft. I am the type of person who sits down with a cup of tea and cranks out an A paper in two hours, which makes me bad with deadlines but okay in the longrun. Unfortunately I'm going to have to present something, so I have a few paragraphs and hopefully that's sufficient.
I am really looking forward to getting VISTA off my computer finally. I hate VISTA so much. If you for some reason are thinking about VISTA, buy a gun and shoot yourself in the leg instead. The experience is much the same. VISTA has completely ruined my wifi capability, due to some security glitch the people on the HP helpline can explain better than me. I was told the only way to fix my problem was install a new OS (or reinstall the old one); since I have no way to backup my files, I am not going to lose all my stuff for VISTA to screw me over. Again.
So, thankfully I have a wonderful friend named Jesse Wade who is helping me out with getting the virus that is VISTA off my computer and getting Windows 7 on there instead. Well, I mean, he is providing the OS, I am the one putting it on my computer. WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT.
I am changing my major! Yep, the college freshman changes her major... surprised? No? Lol. Seriously though, I have been in Biology 1101 for almost an entire semester and I don't think I have ever hated a subject so much. I thought I would be okay with it, since I was in high school, but boy was I wrong. College Biology is a complete torture chamber for me. And if I hate Biology 1101 that much, what am I going to do in 1102? Microbiology? Anatomy and Physiology 1&2?!
The answer is now NOTHING, since I am dropping the BSN major like it's hot. I would like to be a nurse, but... it just isn't for me. I am not taking the easy way out, but why would I do something I absolutely do not like? Plus, I have a plethora of anxiety issues and I work poorly under pressure.
Not to mention, I really really really don't think I'd get along with other nursing students and ultimately other nurses. I am... not a preppy girl. And that seems to be about 95% of the nursing major students. If you are a nursing major and you aren't an bleach-blond tan gigglebox in $200 jeans, I am not talking about you. But if you are, chances are I won't get along with you. I have nothing in common with these people, and being someone who has been an outcast more or less msot of my life, I just don't want to feel that way anymore.
So... I am changing my major to IT! I am really good with computer stuff already, and I genuinely enjoy it. I am going to get my BS in Information Technology with a dual concentration in Software Development and Network Security. It's a mouthful, but it sounds like so much fun to me. And I can relate to other computer nerds. When I make jokes they don't just stare at me and kind of give an awkward insincere laugh. It is safe to say my humor is not for everyone. ...especially not most of the nursing majors.

So that is the News of Nichi. Hopefully the sheer volume of this post makes up for what I was lacking in previous posts. I'll cross my fingers.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

i ain't trifling with no stale ass bread.

Ok, here's the deal. I know I'm supposed to update this twice a week, but I just can't bring myself to. Nobody else seems to be able to, either. I do try to update fairly regularly, but I no longer have wifi at home (thanks, drug-addled mother!) and have to use my iPhone's internet to do anything. Blogging from an iPhone is just not going to happen, I am sorry. And I've been so sick lately, my attendance has been sporadic. Hopefully it won't negatively impact my grade! I hate cold/flu season!
Anyway, I don't have much to say. I'm working on my research paper. My topic is The Manson Women, as in the female followers of Charles Manson. I find it really interesting that they followed him and three even killed for him. It's just really interesting that he was SO charismatic. I mean yes, he was a psychopath and a genuinely 'evil' guy, but he was charismatic enough to convince people to KILL OTHER PEOPLE FOR HIM. He fed them LSD and brainwashed them, and as much as it's sickening, it's IMPRESSIVE.
Enough about that, I'm sure I'll have to post my research paper when it's done anyway.
On a lighter note, and I hope nobody gets pissed off at me for using 'ass' (I have done so well up until now with keeping my cusses down to almost nothing!)...